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Hello and welcome to our English landing page. We want to have here everything about Czech larping – what we have in English. So take a seat and enjoy. We hope we will grow fast.

De la Bête – An Expensive Beast

“The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.” Revelations, 13:2

De la Bête (About the Beast) was a larp for 95 players, running over 48 hours, with 12 hours workshops before and some extra three hours post-larp workshops.

It was probably the most expensive game in the history of Czech larps. We will go more into detail about size and realizations about using gender specific characters in the end. But first: What was the larp all about?

This article was originally published: Charles Bo Nielsen, Claus Raasted (editoři): The Nordic Larp Yearbook 2014. Rollespilsakademiet 2015. ISBN 978-87-92507-23-5 https://web.archive.org/web/20160305012411/

This article was also published here: https://nordiclarp.org/2015/02/06/de-la-bete-an-expensive-beast/

Salon Moravia: Cabaret for Women Only

The door shut and he was gone. At that moment, Evžénie forgot his rank. But she would never forget his short moustache waving over her, how the lips under it were feverishly mumbling something in that repulsive language. How he snorted when he humped. She slid down to the floor. Her back against the wall, she lighted a cigarette and again read the letter with a brief and clear instruction. She spilled the powder from the little vial to the General’s glass. Was he the same man with whom she slept that night? Evžénie did not know that. Everything blurred together, she saw everything through a fog…

This article was originally published: Charles Bo Nielsen, Claus Raasted (editoři): The Nordic Larp Yearbook 2014. Rollespilsakademiet 2015. ISBN 978-87-92507-23-5 https://web.archive.org/web/20160305012411/

It was also published here: https://nordiclarp.org/2015/05/01/salon-moravia-cabaret-for-women-only/

Business larp

Deep in the Arctic Ocean, the alarm sounds in a submarine. Twelve members of the crew suddenly realise that they only have enough oxygen to barely get to the surface. What will they do? Should they descend deeper to their colleagues trapped several meters further down, or should they save their own lives? Calling off the operation might end up costing them billions of dollars!

This is the beginning of two days filled with some unusual training for a group of managers. They are about to embark on an adventure focusing on managing styles, negotiation, argumentation, decision-making, communication under pressure, achieving goals and time management.

This article was originally published: Katrine Øverlie Svela, Karete Jacobsen Meland (eds): Crossing Habitual Borders. Knutepunkt 2013. ISBN 978-82-303-2295-6 (print) ISBN 978-82-303-2297-0 (pdf) https://nordiclarp.org/w/images/3/3b/2013_Crossing_Habitual_Borders.pdf


How we created a Firefly larp, not exactly about Firefly One day the world became too small for all of us. Then we started to settle other planets. Terraformation begun. Things changed. Lot of us became adventures, seeking freedom and independence. But with great power comes great responsibility… None of us had an idea of what the “Alliance” would be capable of… “Take my home, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don´t care, I´m still free, you can´t take the sky from me…” (Words from the Firefly theme)

This article was originally published: Charles Bo Nielsen, Claus Raasted (eds): The Nordic Larp Yearbook 2014. Rollespilsakademiet 2015. ISBN 978-87-92507-23-5 https://web.archive.org/web/20160305012411/http://rollespilsakademiet.dk/webshop/nordiclarpyearbook2014.pdf

It was also published here: https://nordiclarp.org/2015/03/20/moon-a-firefly-larp-not-exactly-about-firefly/

L-World – Czech larp in London

“Sabine is a successful magazine publisher, a political activist and she is running in the local elections. She is raising her daughter Denise together with her second wife Veronica. And this evening she is throwing a party for several friends. Although Sabine and some other characters are lesbians, the larp in itself doesn’t deal with the topic of coming out. It’s about love, friendship, partnership and parenting. And also a bit about women… The game is suited for mature and experienced players who like to play out conflicts and develop in-game situations.”

This article was initially published in Blog Game ideas, design thoughts, discussions, and various other bibble. published by Mo Holkar.

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