Business larp
Deep in the Arctic Ocean, the alarm sounds in a submarine. Twelve members of the crew suddenly realise that they only have enough oxygen to barely get to the surface. What will they do? Should they descend deeper to their colleagues trapped several meters further down, or should they save their own lives? Calling off the operation might end up costing them billions of dollars!
This is the beginning of two days filled with some unusual training for a group of managers. They are about to embark on an adventure focusing on managing styles, negotiation, argumentation, decision-making, communication under pressure, achieving goals and time management.
This article was originally published: Katrine Øverlie Svela, Karete Jacobsen Meland (eds): Crossing Habitual Borders. Knutepunkt 2013. ISBN 978-82-303-2295-6 (print) ISBN 978-82-303-2297-0 (pdf) Celý článek »