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Archiv: 2015

The Cure for the Stuffed Beast

The unexpected problems of a game stuffed with themes and plots and their working solutions.

We made the most expensive game in Czech larp history, we had worked hard on it for a year and we had prepared almost 100 detailed pre-written characters. After the first two runs of the larp a lot of people said “It was alright.” This article is about searching for changes which would make the game better than “alright”.

This article was initially published in


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Russian Roulette in Practice

Players Casting: A Case Study from the Larp Skoro Rassvet

This article describes the selection process used for high-resolution dramatic larp called Skoro Rassvet [Breaking Dawn] (2012, 15 players). Its advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Knowing that we could take the risk because the number of potential candidates exceeded the number of offered roles several times over, we decided to perform an experiment and select players according to their motivations and abilities.

This article was initially published: Martin Buchtík: Russian Roulette in Practice in Nordic LARP. https://nordiclarp.org/2014/06/25/russian-roulette-in-practice

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Content Larp Manifesto

The Content Larp Manifesto was originally presented on the Content Larp Manifesto website.

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Hell on Wheels – Experience the Wild West

The Hell on Wheels larp is a dramatic game for 54 players that takes place in Stonetown, a western settlement in the Czech Republic. It draws its inspiration from the US AMC TV series of the same name. It borrows certain characters and introductory plots from the series, but handles them freely and places them into a broader context of the transcontinental railroad construction in 1866. The game takes approximately 20 hours and is preceded by roughly 5 hours of pre-game workshops and gun handling training.

This article was initially published in The Nordic Larp Yearbook 2015 published by Rollespilsakademiet and edited by Charles Bo Nielsen, Claus Raasted & Erik Sonne Georg. Celý článek »

Legion – Trans-Siberian Railroading

The Great War, or the first World War, was a massive, horrible massacre on a truly industrial scale, and it is one of the wars I find most fascinating. I’ve read so much about it it, know so much trivia and still I had almost no knowledge of the Czech Legion in Siberia. Walking a few miles in the shoes of those legionnaires not only opened my eyes to a very important piece of history most of us probably have no knowledge of, but also brought me new friends and some very emotional memories.

This article was originally published: Sebastian Utbult: Legion – Trans-Siberian Railroading in Nordic LARP. https://nordiclarp.org/2016/02/01/legion-trans-siberian-railroading/

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Phase Games in Czech

In Knutepunkt 2009 Jana Jevická and Tomáš Kopeček held a presentation about the history of larp in the Czech Republic. Rather surprisingly they started their history lesson during the First Republic (1918-1939), long before Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax commodified role-playing activity into Dungeons & Dragons, generally considered to be the starting point of role-playing games. I have interviewed Kopeček to learn more about the subject. The Czech case is interesting as it shows how games that look like larps, pervasive games or even pervasive larps can evolve not just from role-playing games or theater, but from the scout movement.

This article was originally published: Pervasive Games: Markus Montola, Jaakko Stenros, Annika Waern: Theory and Design. https://pervasivegames.wordpress.com/2009/10/30/spotlight-phase-games-in-czech/?fbclid=IwAR2T8kBN3lCJkdVb4EBPedbh-XIloDg7GO7dU1H0qCPfX00zp3ZHQoWTOhQ

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Skoro Rassvet – Vodka, Tears and Dostoyevsky

Man will vanquish by his will and reason over the nature. He will understand that he is mortal that he has now hope for resurrection and he will accept death and he will accept it with satisfaction. He will be as God and eve- rything will be allowed to him and as soon as man becomes God any law will cease to apply. Everything will be allowed!
F. M. Dostoyevsky – The Brothers Karamazov

This article was originally published: Charles Bo Nielsen, Claus Raasted (editoři): The Nordic Larp Yearbook 2014. Rollespilsakademiet 2015. ISBN 978-87-92507-23-5 https://web.archive.org/web/20160305012411/

It was also published here: https://nordiclarp.org/2015/05/08/skoro-rassvet-vodka-tears-and-dostoyevsky/ Celý článek »

De la Bête – An Expensive Beast

“The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.” Revelations, 13:2

De la Bête (About the Beast) was a larp for 95 players, running over 48 hours, with 12 hours workshops before and some extra three hours post-larp workshops.

It was probably the most expensive game in the history of Czech larps. We will go more into detail about size and realizations about using gender specific characters in the end. But first: What was the larp all about?

This article was originally published: Charles Bo Nielsen, Claus Raasted (editoři): The Nordic Larp Yearbook 2014. Rollespilsakademiet 2015. ISBN 978-87-92507-23-5 https://web.archive.org/web/20160305012411/

This article was also published here: https://nordiclarp.org/2015/02/06/de-la-bete-an-expensive-beast/ Celý článek »

Salon Moravia: Cabaret for Women Only

The door shut and he was gone. At that moment, Evžénie forgot his rank. But she would never forget his short moustache waving over her, how the lips under it were feverishly mumbling something in that repulsive language. How he snorted when he humped. She slid down to the floor. Her back against the wall, she lighted a cigarette and again read the letter with a brief and clear instruction. She spilled the powder from the little vial to the General’s glass. Was he the same man with whom she slept that night? Evžénie did not know that. Everything blurred together, she saw everything through a fog…

This article was originally published: Charles Bo Nielsen, Claus Raasted (editoři): The Nordic Larp Yearbook 2014. Rollespilsakademiet 2015. ISBN 978-87-92507-23-5 https://web.archive.org/web/20160305012411/

It was also published here: https://nordiclarp.org/2015/05/01/salon-moravia-cabaret-for-women-only/ Celý článek »

Business larp

Deep in the Arctic Ocean, the alarm sounds in a submarine. Twelve members of the crew suddenly realise that they only have enough oxygen to barely get to the surface. What will they do? Should they descend deeper to their colleagues trapped several meters further down, or should they save their own lives? Calling off the operation might end up costing them billions of dollars!

This is the beginning of two days filled with some unusual training for a group of managers. They are about to embark on an adventure focusing on managing styles, negotiation, argumentation, decision-making, communication under pressure, achieving goals and time management.

This article was originally published: Katrine Øverlie Svela, Karete Jacobsen Meland (eds): Crossing Habitual Borders. Knutepunkt 2013. ISBN 978-82-303-2295-6 (print) ISBN 978-82-303-2297-0 (pdf) https://nordiclarp.org/w/images/3/3b/2013_Crossing_Habitual_Borders.pdf Celý článek »


How we created a Firefly larp, not exactly about Firefly One day the world became too small for all of us. Then we started to settle other planets. Terraformation begun. Things changed. Lot of us became adventures, seeking freedom and independence. But with great power comes great responsibility… None of us had an idea of what the “Alliance” would be capable of… “Take my home, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don´t care, I´m still free, you can´t take the sky from me…” (Words from the Firefly theme)

This article was originally published: Charles Bo Nielsen, Claus Raasted (eds): The Nordic Larp Yearbook 2014. Rollespilsakademiet 2015. ISBN 978-87-92507-23-5 https://web.archive.org/web/20160305012411/http://rollespilsakademiet.dk/webshop/nordiclarpyearbook2014.pdf

It was also published here: https://nordiclarp.org/2015/03/20/moon-a-firefly-larp-not-exactly-about-firefly/

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